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Self-reparations are here!
Set up your Recompense Life Journey today.

What are self-reparations?
The answer is simple: life insurance + estate planning.
At Recompense Life Group, we take a trauma-informed approach to supporting our members. An individualized Recompense Life Journey identifies and plans for financial goals.
Insurance Benefits Keep Legacy Alive
Cash Accounts Grow Income & Defer Taxes
Estate Planning Transfers Wealth
Don't just dream of reparations – start your Recompense Life Journey and begin achieving self-reparations today!
How does life insurance work?
Originally designed to help cover burial costs and care for widows and orphans, life insurance is now a flexible and powerful financial product that helps provide for your loved ones should you pass. Whole life insurance is exactly as described because it is coverage for the whole duration of your life.
You may want life insurance because:
- You want to create an inheritance for your survivors.
- You have a home that you don’t want your family to lose after your death.
- You want to make sure your child has money to go to college, even if you pass.
- You want to cover the expensive costs of a funeral and continue to provide for your loved ones.
Here’s how it works—
Establish Type of Coverage & Time
Term life insurance is coverage that lasts for a period of time, typically over 10, 20, or 30-year periods.
The amount of life insurance you need depends on what you’re trying to do. If you’re just covering end-of-life expenses, you won’t need as much as if you’re trying to replace lost income.
Make Monthly Payments
You make regular premium payments to the life insurance company.
In exchange, we pay a death benefit to your beneficiaries should you pass away.
Depending on the type of policy you buy, life insurance can cover natural deaths, accidental deaths and even illness or injuries while you're still alive.
Benefit Funds Dispersed Upon Passing
If you pass during the covered period, the policy will pay your beneficiaries the amount stated in the policy.
This money can pay for funeral arrangements, help replace income or pay off debt when you are gone.
How does estate planning work?
An estate plan is like a road map for your family to follow upon your passing away. It involves determining how an individual’s assets will be preserved, managed, and distributed.
Most estate plans include—
- a will
- an assignment of POA
- a health care proxy
- a trust

Meet Nyasha Dixon
Founder, Licensed Broker
- (888) 363-6151
- nyasha@recompenselife.com
- Follow Me
Founder of Recompense Life Group, Nyasha Dixon, has worked in Human Development and Financial Services since 2012. Throughout her career she has served vulnerable populations while learning from affluent groups.
In 2019, the social enterprise entrepreneur became a licensed life insurance broker. After years of research Nyasha Dixon developed a methodology for descendants of Afrikan slaves to obtain self-reparations through the Recompense Life Journey™.
Self-reparations can be best understood thanks to author and scholar, Chinweizu who once said,
A fresh start requires our acceptance of full responsibility for ending our plight. Acceptance of this responsibility is our fundamental act of self-reparation.
We must not give up on dreams of economic mobility and generational wealth because we always have the ability to change our financial life. It takes time, patience, and planning.
A fresh start requires our acceptance of full responsibility for ending our plight. Acceptance of this responsibility is our fundamental act of self-reparation.
We must not give up on dreams of economic mobility and generational wealth because we always have the ability to change our financial life. It takes time, patience, and planning.

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